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10 Reasons Why You Should Watch Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the most popular anime out right now! We all have heard of this super popular Shonen which the fans can’t stop praising or hyping up. Jujutsu Kaisen story and world-building is definitely interesting. Many people say it is similar to Anime like One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, and other old anime although JJK’s protagonist’s goals/themes are vastly different compared to other shonen Anime. Itadori’s goal isn’t similar type like becoming the Hokage, Wizard King, Pirate King, or the no.1 hero. He just wants to do something good in this world and help people before he dies, something which is unique. The storyline isn’t complicated and anyone can easily get into Anime.


Jujutsu Kaisen story and world-building is definitely interesting. Many people say it is similar to Anime like One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, and other old anime although JJK’s protagonist’s goals/themes are vastly different compared to other shonen Anime. 
The story follows Itadori Yuji who stumbles upon an ancient artifact. His classmates break the seal on the artifact, which turned out to be Sakuna’s fingers. Megumi Fushiguro, who is a jujutsu sorcerer and is the first-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High, saves Itadori. Yuji repays the favor by trying to save Megumi which ends up in him swallowing the cursed finger. The one in million chances came true, Sakuna is reborn inside his body, the perfect vessel. Itadori falls into the world of jujutsu. He is set on his goal to eat all of Sakuna’s fingers to prevent more people from dying.


Pacing-wise, Jujutsu Kaisen is very close to perfection. It doesn’t drag in any of the episodes because the action keeps moving forward. It doesn’t also cut quickly to action all the time and we do get to see the characters breathe. The 24 episodes are packed with a nice balance of relaxation time and fights.
The humor cuts through and easily gives a break in between the dark atmosphere. The episodes flowed together nicely over the course of 23 minutes. There is neither rush nor dragging out the content.There are many funny moments in anime which makes it more fun to watch the Anime. The anime manages to make us laugh even in one of the most serious moments which is something really difficult to pull off.

High Quality Animation:

The animation has been stunning as always, they went a little Uflotable in here, the attacks have stunning animation. The character design is remarkable. Gojo Satoru alone looks straight out of a movie-like animation. It is not overstatement when we say half the budget is for Gojo’s eyes alone. Suffice to say, they didn’t slack off in the animation department, going beyond their limits and creating literal art. Certainly one of the best animations I have seen in 2020.

Jujutsu Kaisen Animation is surely top-notch. Mappa really did a good job in flow, key animation style, and camera angles. JJK is an example of how Older Shonen Anime would look if they were animated in this era. 1st episode itself sums up the art quality. The Animation is smooth and blends brilliantly with the story to keep you watching.


We follow the story of three main protagonists, first is our main character, Yuji Itadori. He is likeable and chill sort of guy. Itadori is trying to fulfil his grandfather’s last request, to do what only he can do. He has a clear heart and the same sort of charm as Gon from HunterxHunter, having no malice in him. While quite an underdeveloped character, he has plenty of room to spread his story. He likes his friends and is willing to do anything to protect them (they are quite capable themselves though).

Lastly, we have one of the most badass girls of Shonen named Nobara Kugisaki. She shares a brain cell with Yuji and the pair makes for hilariousness in the show. She wields a hammer and can stand her ground. Nobara is a girl with a strong personality, always fighting for herself alone. She still has room for more development but her past is interesting. No tragic backstory in the general definition however it is certainly intriguing.

The second main character who is with us is Megumi Fushiguro is the catalyst that changed the life of Yuji. He is the one to introduce him to the world of Jujutsu and one of his first friends. Fushiguro has a pretty interesting backstory and is subtly developed in the course of the story. He is a complex character who believes in protecting people he thinks are good. Megumi doesn’t give a shit about the rest. He also can go crazy as Jujutsu sorcerers reputed to be a bit unhinged.


The most interesting of them all is Sakuna. He is the curse who started this show with a bang. He is quite easily one of the most compelling villains. Whenever he is on the screen, he owns it though, with an air of command. That said, we haven’t yet seen much of his motives and he is cloaked in mystery. His actions are engaging and we leave season 1 wanting more.
Another notable antagonist is Hanami, his actions are quite interesting since he is a curse born out of the earth. He is one of the curses to show sincere positive human emotion and Hanami is quite a worthy opponent. He seems to side with the group of antagonists just because their goals align but their values don’t. Hanami believes in the same ideals as Jogo, wanting to eradicate humans to get Earth. This is just to get rid of the damage they have caused.
Mahito has the potential and his abilities are on par with our main protagonists. He learned Domain Expansion just as quickly as Fushiguro when push came to a shove. Suguru Geto is also one of the most intriguing characters simply because he is a human. Why he siding with curses and we know nothing about him, except he might know Gojo.


Jujutsu Kaisen is definitely an anime filled with potential, the first season was amazing. Perfectly balancing dark and light tones and setting up a good pace as well as low time in between. There is a huge variety of characters we don’t know much about or haven’t even met in the anime. The whole third year is missing! The characters we do know have yet to reveal their full backstories. Some of the interesting ones to look out for are Itadori, Gojou, Suguro, and Mei Mei. The plot itself is very complex as everyone has their own motives. I am curious to see how the author resolves it all in the end.
Jujutsu Kaisen unlike other anime focuses a lot upon side characters which makes us love them more than the main character. The side story and motivation of those characters surely make it more interesting to watch.

World Building:

The world-building is simple, it is set in the real world which is crawling with monsters. The world is not very different from ours except of course we don’t face dangerous monsters. It has the potential to expand the world a bit more as the series continues. I personally am looking forward to seeing how it is established. We got a nice glimpse of the Jujutsu word but it is nothing too expansive.
Jujutsu Kaisen can be definitely included in starters anime list, The story is not overwhelming, pacing is really fast and most importantly there are no filler episodes which makes it easy to get into the world of anime for those who are living under rock and want to get into world of anime.


It is quite short as compared to any weekly shounen! Only 24 episodes which equal roughly 552 minutes of watch time (9.2 hours, I did the math for you). The length is near other seasonal series such as Demon Slayer and season 1 of Attack On Titan. A week is more than enough to watch and enjoy the anime.

Fights and Overall Enjoyability:

If you like an anime which have some of the hypest fights, then JJK is for you. It quenches all the thirst for good fights of shounen junkies and is quite addictive. Each fight is quite enjoyable and you can feel the adrenaline in your blood while watching it. Gojo V/S Jogo, Todo & Itadori V/S Hanami, Megumi V/S Mole-Curse, and Itadori & Nobara V/S Kechizu & Eso are some of the highlighted fights. These are certainly the best in the show.
Overall, I enjoyed each minute of watching Jujutsu Kaisen, it is a show which builds up and up. And it doesn’t disappoint. It is easily on par or maybe a bit better than Demon Slayer in terms of enjoyability. The characters likable and the story is good. I could turn my brain off and watch it straight for hours so it’s high on indulgence.

If you have read till here,
here's its trailer for you

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